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, 20 minutes of free browsing, followed by this purchasing instruction: Now, you have a budget of 50?. I ask you to find and to buy at least one honeypot, or more if you are tempted by other products. The only constraint is to focus on food and cosmetic products, such as beverages, grocery, biscuits, marmalades, fruit jellies, oils, condiments, lotions, soaps, eau de toilette? Please avoid piety objects and books. Do exactly as if you really want to buy, How do you charcaterize your purchase? Episodic, regula, exceptional, common ? Does it mean something special or not? Is this purchase comparable to other purchases you could do? Interview guide for purchaser after browsing on les Boutiques de Theophile website

, Now, about the products, what could you say? Their characteristics, their ingredients, their method of manufacturing, their origin?. Are these products comparable to others types of products?

, How do you charcaterize your purchase? Episodic, regula, exceptional, common?. Does it mean something special or not?